操作员 Helm 图表
MinIO 发布了 Helm 图表 用于 Helm 操作员图表 和 Helm 租户图表。您可以使用这些图表通过 Helm 部署 MinIO 操作员和托管租户。
以下页面记录了 values.yaml
MinIO 操作员的图表。有关 MinIO 租户图表文档,请参阅 租户 Helm 图表
MinIO 操作员图表
- 操作员
- env
env: - name: MINIO_OPERATOR_DEPLOYMENT_NAME valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: metadata.labels['app.kubernetes.io/name'] - name: CLUSTER_DOMAIN value: "cluster.domain" - name: WATCHED_NAMESPACE value: "" - name: MINIO_OPERATOR_RUNTIME value: "OpenShift"
请参阅 操作员环境变量 以获取所有支持值的列表。
- 图像
存储库和 v6.0.3 标签。如果容器不存在,则会拉取镜像image: repository: quay.io/minio/operator tag: v6.0.3 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
image: repository: quay.io/minio/operator@sha256 digest: 28c80b379c75242c6fe793dfbf212f43c602140a0de5ebe3d9c2a3a7b9f9f983 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
- 边车镜像
指定要为租户 Pod 部署的边车容器镜像,用于初始化容器和边车。仅在需要使用与默认版本不同的版本或要设置自定义注册表时才需要更改此值。
存储库和 v6.0.3 标签。如果容器不存在,则会拉取镜像sidecarImage: repository: quay.io/minio/operator-sidecar tag: v6.0.3 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
sidecarImage: repository: quay.io/minio/operator-sidecar@sha256 digest: a11947a230b80fb1b0bffa97173147a505d4f1207958f722e348d11ab9e972c1 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
- imagePullSecrets
Kubernetes 机密数组,用于从私有
拉取镜像。目前仅支持一个数组元素。- runtimeClassName
用于操作员 Pod 的自定义 容器运行时 的名称。
- initContainers
要在操作员 Pod 启动之前启动的 initContainers 数组。请谨慎操作,因为
失败会阻止操作员 Pod 启动。传递空数组以正常启动操作员。- 副本数量
要部署的操作员 Pod 数量。较高的值会在工作节点出现故障时提高可用性。
集群必须有足够数量的可用工作节点才能满足请求。操作员 Pod 默认情况下使用 Pod 反亲和性部署,以防止 Kubernetes 将多个 Pod 调度到同一个工作节点上。
- securityContext
用于部署操作员资源的 Kubernetes SecurityContext。
- containerSecurityContext
用于部署操作员容器的 Kubernetes SecurityContext。您可能需要修改这些值以满足您的集群的安全性和访问设置。
- 卷
操作员可以安装到 Pod 的 卷 数组。
卷必须存在并且可供操作员 Pod 访问。
- volumeMounts
volumeMounts: - name: volumename mountPath: /path/to/mount
数组中的一个条目。- nodeSelector
要应用于 Operator pod 的任何 节点选择器。
Kubernetes 调度程序使用这些选择器来确定可以部署 Operator pod 的工作节点。
如果没有任何工作节点与指定的選擇器匹配,则 Operator 部署将失败。
- priorityClassName
要分配给 Operator pod 的 Pod 优先级。
- affinity
要应用于 Operator pod 的 亲和性 或反亲和性设置。
这些设置决定了 pod 在工作节点上的分布,并且可以帮助防止或允许在相同工作节点上共同定位 pod。
- tolerations
要与 Operator pod 关联的 容忍标签 数组。
这些设置决定了 pod 在工作节点上的分布。
- topologySpreadConstraints
要与 Operator pod 关联的 拓扑传播约束 数组。
这些设置决定了 pod 在工作节点上的分布。
- resources
要与 Operator pod 关联的 资源请求或限制。
这些设置可以控制为每个 pod 请求的最小和最大资源。如果没有任何工作节点可以满足指定的请求,则 Operator 可能无法部署。
操作员 Helm 图表的根密钥
# Root key for Operator Helm Chart
# An array of environment variables to pass to the Operator deployment.
# Pass an empty array to start Operator with defaults.
# For example:
# .. code-block:: yaml
# env:
# valueFrom:
# fieldRef:
# fieldPath: metadata.labels['app.kubernetes.io/name']
# value: "cluster.domain"
# value: ""
# value: "OpenShift"
# See `Operator environment variables <https://github.com/minio/operator/blob/master/docs/env-variables.md>`__ for a list of all supported values.
value: "on"
# An array of additional annotations to be applied to the operator service account
serviceAccountAnnotations: []
# additional labels to be applied to operator resources
additionalLabels: {}
# Specify the Operator container image to use for the deployment.
# ``image.tag``
# For example, the following sets the image to the ``quay.io/minio/operator`` repo and the v6.0.3 tag.
# The container pulls the image if not already present:
# .. code-block:: yaml
# image:
# repository: quay.io/minio/operator
# tag: v6.0.3
# pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# The chart also supports specifying an image based on digest value:
# .. code-block:: yaml
# image:
# repository: quay.io/minio/operator@sha256
# digest: 28c80b379c75242c6fe793dfbf212f43c602140a0de5ebe3d9c2a3a7b9f9f983
# pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
repository: quay.io/minio/operator
tag: v6.0.3
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# Specify the sidecar container image to deploy on tenant pods for init container and sidecar.
# Only need to change this if want to use a different version that the default, or want to set a custom registry.
# ``sidecarImage.tag``
# For example, the following sets the image to the ``quay.io/minio/operator-sidecar`` repo and the v6.0.3 tag.
# The container pulls the image if not already present:
# .. code-block:: yaml
# sidecarImage:
# repository: quay.io/minio/operator-sidecar
# tag: v6.0.3
# pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# The chart also supports specifying an image based on digest value:
# .. code-block:: yaml
# sidecarImage:
# repository: quay.io/minio/operator-sidecar@sha256
# digest: a11947a230b80fb1b0bffa97173147a505d4f1207958f722e348d11ab9e972c1
# pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
sidecarImage: {}
# An array of Kubernetes secrets to use for pulling images from a private ``image.repository``.
# Only one array element is supported at this time.
imagePullSecrets: [ ]
# The name of a custom `Container Runtime <https://kubernetes.ac.cn/docs/concepts/containers/runtime-class/>`__ to use for the Operator pods.
runtimeClassName: ~
# An array of `initContainers <https://kubernetes.ac.cn/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/init-containers/>`__ to start up before the Operator pods.
# Exercise care as ``initContainer`` failures prevent Operator pods from starting.
# Pass an empty array to start the Operator normally.
initContainers: [ ]
# The number of Operator pods to deploy.
# Higher values increase availability in the event of worker node failures.
# The cluster must have sufficient number of available worker nodes to fulfill the request.
# Operator pods deploy with pod anti-affinity by default, preventing Kubernetes from scheduling multiple pods onto a single Worker node.
replicaCount: 2
# The Kubernetes `SecurityContext <https://kubernetes.ac.cn/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/>`__ to use for deploying Operator resources.
# You may need to modify these values to meet your cluster's security and access settings.
runAsUser: 1000
runAsGroup: 1000
runAsNonRoot: true
fsGroup: 1000
# The Kubernetes `SecurityContext <https://kubernetes.ac.cn/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/>`__ to use for deploying Operator containers.
# You may need to modify these values to meet your cluster's security and access settings.
runAsUser: 1000
runAsGroup: 1000
runAsNonRoot: true
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
type: RuntimeDefault
# An array of `Volumes <https://kubernetes.ac.cn/docs/concepts/storage/volumes/>`__ which the Operator can mount to pods.
# The volumes must exist *and* be accessible to the Operator pods.
volumes: [ ]
# An array of volume mount points associated to each Operator container.
# Specify each item in the array as follows:
# .. code-block:: yaml
# volumeMounts:
# - name: volumename
# mountPath: /path/to/mount
# The ``name`` field must correspond to an entry in the ``volumes`` array.
volumeMounts: [ ]
# Any `Node Selectors <https://kubernetes.ac.cn/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/>`__ to apply to Operator pods.
# The Kubernetes scheduler uses these selectors to determine which worker nodes onto which it can deploy Operator pods.
# If no worker nodes match the specified selectors, the Operator deployment will fail.
nodeSelector: { }
# The `Pod Priority <https://kubernetes.ac.cn/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/pod-priority-preemption/>`__ to assign to Operator pods.
priorityClassName: ""
# The `affinity <https://kubernetes.ac.cn/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/assign-pods-nodes-using-node-affinity/>`__ or anti-affinity settings to apply to Operator pods.
# These settings determine the distribution of pods across worker nodes and can help prevent or allow colocating pods onto the same worker nodes.
- labelSelector:
- key: name
operator: In
- minio-operator
topologyKey: kubernetes.io/hostname
# An array of `Toleration labels <https://kubernetes.ac.cn/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/taint-and-toleration/>`__ to associate to Operator pods.
# These settings determine the distribution of pods across worker nodes.
tolerations: [ ]
# An array of `Topology Spread Constraints <https://kubernetes.ac.cn/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/topology-spread-constraints/>`__ to associate to Operator pods.
# These settings determine the distribution of pods across worker nodes.
topologySpreadConstraints: [ ]
# The `Requests or Limits <https://kubernetes.ac.cn/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-resources-containers/>`__ for resources to associate to Operator pods.
# These settings can control the minimum and maximum resources requested for each pod.
# If no worker nodes can meet the specified requests, the Operator may fail to deploy.
cpu: 200m
memory: 256Mi
ephemeral-storage: 500Mi